Melchior the Apothecary en streaming français

Voir Melchior the Apothecary en streaming

Voir le film complet Melchior the Apothecary en streaming vf gratuit

Pays: Estonia
Réalisateur: Elmo Nüganen
Année: 2022
Durée: 1h 40min
Qualité: HDLight
Langue: vf
Spectateurs: star_rate3,4 / 5 (8 notes)
Résumé du film Melchior the Apothecary: In medieval Tallinn, a famous knight who is freed from the pirates of the Baltic Sea is murdered. The hero's head is cut off and his mouth is stuffed with coins. The gold chain he bought the same day is missing. The bailiff orders Melchior, an apothecary, to investigate the crime. The clever young man discovers that the slain was looking for a mysterious "Tallinn prisoner" and the traces lead to the Dominican monastery. A fabulous sequence of bloodwork is unleashed - anyone who comes into...
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