Whispering Corridors en streaming français

Voir Whispering Corridors en streaming

Voir le film complet Whispering Corridors en streaming vf gratuit

Genre: Comédie, Drame
Pays: South Korea
Réalisateur: Park Ki-Hyung
Année: 1998
Acteurs: Gyu-ri Kim, Yun Ji Hye
Durée: 1h 45min
Qualité: DVDRIP
Langue: vostfr
Spectateurs: star_rate2,6 / 5 (11 notes)
Résumé du film Whispering Corridors: While investigating the school files, the frightened teacher Mrs. Park startles and calls the young teacher Eun-young Hur, telling her that the deceased Jin-ju Jang is back. The line dies and Mrs. Park is attacked and killed by a ghost. On the next morning, the teenager Jae-yi Yoon waits for her friend Ji-oh Lim, who has the ability to call the spirits, and they begin a close friendship. The abusive and aggressive Mr. Oh, a.k.a. Mad Dog, is the substitute of Mrs. Park and prohibits Ji-oh to...
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