Kaina of the Great Snow Sea: Star Sage en streaming français

Voir Kaina of the Great Snow Sea: Star Sage en streaming

Voir le film complet Kaina of the Great Snow Sea: Star Sage en streaming vf gratuit

Pays: Japan
Réalisateur: Hiroaki Andô
Année: 2023
Acteurs: Natsuki Hanae, Ken'yû Horiuchi, Yoshimasa Hosoya
Durée: 1h 40min
Qualité: WEBRIP
Langue: vostfr
Spectateurs: star_rate3,3 / 5 (1 notes)
Résumé du film Kaina of the Great Snow Sea: Star Sage: Kaina returns to the icy Canopy, unsure of what he should do next. He and Ririha have brought peace to Atland and Valghia through an alliance. Now supplies run low, and the people need answers. Kaina, Ririha, and their small party set out to cross the snow in search of the great orbital spire tree. This is the first step to saving their people. Join Kaina on an expedition to save mankind!...
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